Infographic Design Overview
Infographic Design Overview
Overview - A quick visual reference to several best practices for creating presentations.
Overview - A quick visual reference to several best practices for creating presentations.
Development Time - 5 Hours
Development Time - 5 Hours
Development Tool - Canva
Development Tool - Canva
My Role - Instructional Designer & Instructional Designer
My Role - Instructional Designer & Instructional Designer
An infographic that provides examples of effective learning presentation slides.
An infographic that provides examples of effective learning presentation slides.
You don't want to spend several hours working on a presentation that no one will read or for that matter stay engage as you are presenting.
You don't want to spend several hours working on a presentation that no one will read or for that matter stay engage as you are presenting.
The solution was to demonstrate good examples of an effective learning resource utilizing Mayer's 12 Principles of Learning.
The solution was to demonstrate good examples of an effective learning resource utilizing Mayer's 12 Principles of Learning.
The infographic provides three examples of Mayer's 12 Principles of Learning. These examples will assist trainers to create the most effective multimedia learning experiences for their participants.
The infographic provides three examples of Mayer's 12 Principles of Learning. These examples will assist trainers to create the most effective multimedia learning experiences for their participants.